

30B scraper machine

Product Category
Scraper conveyor machine and a
Product overview
TheSGB420 30scraperconveyorhasthecharacteristicsofstrongtransportationcapacity,smoothtransmission,simplestructure,easyassemblyandd
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The SGB420/30 scraper conveyor has the characteristics of strong transportation capacity, smooth transmission, simple structure, easy assembly and disassembly, easy maintenance, safety and reliability. It is mainly suitable for transporting coal in gently inclined thin and medium thick coal seams underground in coal mines, and the installation of coal blocking plates can be used for trench transportation.

[Model meaning of SGB-420/30 scraper conveyor]:

S - Conveyor; G - Scraper;

B - Edge double chain type; 420- Outer width of middle groove 420 (mm)

30- Motor power 30 (kw) SGB-420/30 scraper conveyor features

1. Solid structure. Can withstand external forces such as impact, collision, smashing, and pressure from coal, gangue, or other materials.

2. Can adapt to the needs of uneven and curved bottom plates in coal mining faces, and can withstand vertical or horizontal bending.

3. The body is short and easy to install.

4. Can also serve as a track for the operation of coal mining machines.

5. Can run in reverse for easy handling of bottom chain accidents.

6. Can serve as a pivot point for the front section of the liquid night bracket.

The scraper conveyor models produced by Shandong Zhonglian include:

SGD40/5.5V SGD280/7.5 SGD280/11 SGD320/17A

SGD320/18.5 SGD320/22 SGD420/22 SGD420/30

SGB320/18.5 SGB420/22 SGB420/30 SGB520/30

SGB420/40X SGB520/40 SGB620/40T SGB620/80T

SGB630/150C SGB630/180 SGD630/180 SGD630/220

SGB630/220 SGZ630/220 SGZ630/264 SGZ730/220

SGZ730/264 SGZ730/320 SGB764/264 SGZ764/264


[Scraper transfer machine model]:

SZB630/75 SZB630/110 SZB730/40 SZB730/75 SZB730/110

Model of reducer for scraper conveyor: JS11 JS17 JS18.5 JS22 JS30 JS40

JS75 JS90 JS110 JS132 JS160

Model of reducer for belt conveyor:

JS17 20D JS30 JS40 JS75 JS90 JS125 JS160

High strength circular chain model for mining:

10 × 40mm 14 × 50mm 18 × 64mm 22 × 86mm 26 × 92mm 30 × 108mm

Main technical parameters of SGB420/30 scraper conveyor:


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  • Tel:132-9029-1139
  • Email:3239877938@qq.com
  • Address:濟南市平陰縣孔村鎮工業園
  • Fax:0531-87861688